Quest Brochure


I am a Jackson, Mississippi native.  I went to Jackson Public Schools where I participated in the gifted program and absolutely loved every minute of it.  I remember so much about the things that I learned in Open Doors at Timberlawn Elementary School and Siwell Jr. High.  I loved going to class each week and was invigorated by the challenges that my teacher and my classmates provided.  I think that is why I love teaching gifted so much! 

I am happily married (for 26 years in December) and have four precious children; all four of whom have been a part of the gifted program in Brookhaven.  I taught all four of them when they were in the third and fourth grades.  This program is an exceptional one in the state and I am proud to be a part of Quest and the Brookhaven School District. 

I get excited about the topics we use as tools in my class and I hope that my enthusiasm will be infectious.  Your children are each so unique and exceptional and I love to experience an entire year of expanding their mind and broadening their horizons. 






BES [Adventure Works]


Mrs. Whittington

3rd and 4th Grade Quest

Brookhaven Elementary School



Many parents have asked for a supply list for Quest. The only thing that the students absolutely need is a 3 ring binder.  I do not mandate any other supplies but would gratefully accept any donations of the following.

Glue sticks



Erasers (we make a lot of corrections)

Markers or Sharpies

Zip lock bags

Construction paper

Craft supplies

Throw pillows or bean bags




Paper Towels

Your expertise in any field!  We would love for you to come to our class and share something that you love with us, we may love it too!

Exercise balls (We sit on them while working.  It is a great way to focus their energy.)  If you don’t have an exercise ball you may want to buy one to donate to the class they cost about $10 at Walmart.  The larger balls are needed at this time.



Hello Quest Parents,

I am excited to begin another school year with a great group of gifted students.  We are going to have a lot of fun learning together this year.  I am looking forward to meeting you and getting to know you and your children better in the coming weeks. 

My Quest students will utilize Canvas to engage with our class units and assignments.  The students will have expectations outlined in Canvas and will be able to see the expectations for their products in the rubrics available. 

I will use Remind to keep in touch with my parents throughout the year.  Please join the Remind as soon as possible.  If you have any questions or concerns you can message me through Remind, email me at [email protected], or call me at school at 601.833.3139.

I will get started this year by getting to know your child’s interests and learning styles using both an interest inventory and a learning styles inventory. Links for these inventories are available on Canvas.   Based on each student’s interests and learning style I will begin to shape the units and activities that we will do this year.  Our overall concept for this school year is “perspective.”  We will discuss perspective both literally and figuratively and apply it to all the units we cover.  The students often have the opportunity to choose many aspects of what we work on in class.  I try to allow them as much autonomy as possible within the parameters of what we are studying. Self-directed learning with the teacher as “facilitator” provides a unique learning experience for each child and will ensure that their learning will continue long after they leave my classroom.

In Quest I emphasize research and research skills, problem solving, group dynamics, communication, critical thinking and logical thinking skills as well as many other higher level thinking skills.  I hope to pique your child’s interest and establish a curiosity that will be carried with them throughout their life.

Some of the websites I use with my classes are,, duolingo, Khan Academy as well as many others.  We will use technology to enhance the instruction and investigation in our class. 


If, at any time, you have questions, concerns or suggestions please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for sharing your most precious gifts with me.


Traci Whittington