Brookhaven Elementary School Home

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Strong Readers Strong Leaders

Know Your Child's Reading Score

State law requires Mississippi public schools to assess the reading skills of students in kindergarten through grade 3 at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. Schools administer a screener to determine students’ reading ability.

Reading scores are one data point to provide information for teachers and parents/guardians about whether students are reading on grade level, or if they are behind and need extra and urgent help.

BES Accountability Rating

The Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP) measures students’ knowledge, skills, and academic growth from elementary through high school.
• Student progress is measured from annual assessments in Student progress is measured from annual assessments in Grades 3 through 8 Mathematics and
English Language Arts (ELA), Grades 5 and 8 Science, and in End-of-Course (EOC) assessments in Algebra I, English II, Biology, and U.S. History.
• MAAP assessments are designed to inform parents about how their child is progressing and to provide teachers with information to guide instruction.
books in library

Our Mission

With a primary goal of preparing our students today for the careers of tomorrow, the Brookhaven School District is committed to ensuring a quality learning experience for every student. This experience is focused on developing analytical, strategic problem solvers equipped to adapt to an ever-changing economic and social landscape. Our students are our priority, and it is our belief that each has equal worth and the ability to grow and learn. We commit ourselves to meeting the unique and emergent needs of every scholar in our classrooms.


About Us

The Brookhaven School District, where we are “Equipping Students Today for Tomorrow’s Opportunities”, strives year after year to complete a child’s education with the highest of standards. An education that begins with excellent facilities throughout its seven-school system. Many renovations at all of the schools have taken place over the years, including a $13 million renovation and expansion project at Brookhaven High School in 2001. The high school, originally built in 1938, is recognized by the Mississippi Department of Archives as true to its Art Deco design and houses one of the most advanced sound and lighting systems of any high school auditorium in Mississippi.