Lesson Plans

PE Lesson Plans for Aug. 12th-Aug. 17th 2018

Brookhaven Elementary School

Coach Ernie Triplett

Exercise  Activity: Flip or Flop

Grade: 3rd and 4th

Competency: Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical exercises and activities.

Objective(s): TSW learn to apply movements to everyday physical activities and game.

Content Strand: Physical Education (PE)

Integrated Subjects: Math, Language

Duration: 50 minutes

Material: Running shoes, PE clothes, PE equipment

Description of lesson:  Students will learn what a bridge and pike position is.  After learning what it is the students will then partner up while one partner is standing the other will perform the position explained earlier.  The standing student will then try to go around to each student, going under the students who are in the pike position and over the students who are in the bridge position after hearing my whistle.  When i blow the whistle twice the students standing will then change positions with the other students and vice versa.  After fully understanding how these exercises and body movements will effect the way they perform in a sport, we will try to master these exercises.  The mastery level will lead up into competition whether its through activities or games.

Assesment: Assessment this month will be with the eye test.  Students will be able to also assess each other to help communication with peers.  TT can also assess with a thumbs up or thumbs down, or with our token system we have here at BES.

Tips and Suggestion:  Students should be encouraged to show parents what they have learned at PE or during recess time. A great tool to use is to allow students to follow along on different programs such as YouTube, classroom recess, education.com, and or any game or activity they come up with.



PE Lesson Plans for Aug. 20th-Aug. 24th 2018

Brookhaven Elementary School

Coach Ernie Triplett

Exercise  Activity: V.I.P. Tag

Grade: 3rd and 4th

Competency: Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical exercises and activities.

Objective(s): TSW learn to apply movements to everyday physical activities and game.

Content Strand: Physical Education (PE)

Integrated Subjects: Math, Language

Duration: 50 minutes

Material: Running shoes, PE clothes, PE equipment

Description of lesson:  Students will learn group up with three other students. TSW protect the V.I.P. appointed student from the Paparazzi.  The paparazzi will attempt to tag the v.i.p. while the bodyguards keep the paparazzi away.  The bodyguards protect the v.i.p. by rotating and moving away from the paparazzi.  TS must keep the marker cone inside their triangle while keeping the paparazzi away. The bodyguards must stay on the their or other wise it counts as a tag.  Reaching through the triangle does not count.  The paparazzi must go around the circle or triangle the bodyguards are making.

Assesment: Assessment this month will be with the eye test.  Students will be able to also assess each other to help communication with peers.  TT can also assess with a thumbs up or thumbs down, or with our token system we have here at BES.

Tips and Suggestion:  Students should be encouraged to show parents what they have learned at PE or during recess time. A great tool to use is to allow students to follow along on different programs such as YouTube, classroom recess, education.com, and or any game or activity they come up with.






PE Lesson Plans for Aug. 27th-Aug. 31st 2018

Brookhaven Elementary School

Coach Ernie Triplett

Exercise Activity: Kickball

Grade: 3rd and 4th

Competency: Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical exercises and activities.

Objective(s): TSW learn to apply movements to everyday physical activities and game. TSW learn the rules and regulations for kickball along with baseball and softball.  TSW then learn how to communicate with others about the sport and about the strategy needed to help their team be successful.

Content Strand: Physical Education (PE)

Integrated Subjects: Math, Language

Duration: 50 minutes

Material: Running shoes, PE clothes, PE equipment

Description of lesson:  Students will first learn the basic rules that apply to kickball.  For example, tsw learn each position on the field, fly ball and ground rules, baserunning rules, outs, balls and strikes, and line up rules which will allow them to play anytime or anywhere whether at school or at home.  TSW learn to communicate with others to work toward a common goal whether it be getting a player out, throwing ball in from the outfield to keep a runner from advancing or anything of that nature surrounding the game of kickball.  

Assesment: Assessment  will be the eye test.  Students will be able to also assess each other to help communication with peers.  TT can assess the student(s) with a thumbs up or thumbs down, or with our ticket system we have here at BES.

Tips and Suggestion:  Students should be encouraged to show parents what they have learned at PE or during recess time. A great tool to use is to allow students to follow along on different programs such as YouTube, classroom recess, education.com, and or any game or activity they come up with.